Colin Bradley

Company Profile



The Mission

Change Actions enhances the organisational development and performance of clients through providing information, advice and support.

The Values

Integrity: there must be an honesty to oneself and the client

Openness: all persons involved in a change should be allowed to express their view

Involvement: all persons should be encouraged to participate in the events to the extent that they wish to be involved

Excellence: there is a desire to exceed clients' expectations in all that is done

Results focused: there must be achievable, measurable outcomes.

The Philosophy

The Philosophy of Change Actions is that of developing organisations, their strength, value and expertise, and their performance. This development occurs through providing information, advice and support, in a manner that encourages management and staff to work together with the consultant. This arrangement should continue until the organisation only rarely requires the support of the consultant (that is, the organisation becomes self-sufficient).

The Logo

The logotype for Change Actions appears on the each page of this website.This logotype has been designed to reflect the philosophy of the business.

Change Actions logo

A shorthand symbol for the word change is the Greek letter delta, which is represented by a triangle. This symbol was the starting point of the logotype.

A second reason for the choice of delta was delta brain waves, which occur in times of serious brain dysfunction. Organisations can also find themselves with a serious dysfunction.

Change Actions attempts to bring management, staff and the consultant together to resolve problems faced by the organisation. The three points of the triangle represent these three parties.

A fourth reason is found in Frederick Hertzberg's article 'One more time: how do you motivate employees?' * Hertzberg describes the 'triangle' of philosophies of personnel management: industrial engineering (jobs), organisational theory (work flow), and behavioural science (attitudes).

The colour of the triangle (red) is an internationally recognised symbol of warning or danger. The blue words 'Change Actions' lay over the red triangle. These words indicate, both by their colour and their position over the triangle, that "Change Actions" will reduce the danger. The red triangle is not masked or removed by the words 'Change Actions'. The danger, therefore, is not eliminated, but rather it is eased, or, if one prefers, help is at hand.

The four words that appear in the cycle of the logo reflect the cyclical nature of Action Learning and Action Research. Reflect, Plan, Communicate, Evaluate. The PDCA Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Assess) and other versions emphasise the need to plan for, evaluate, and reflect on, any action / activity. By its very nature, Action Learning and Action Research involve those affected by change. For more information about Action Learning and Action Research, please visit the website of Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd (ALAR Association).

These reasons for the logotype reflect the bringing together of various concepts and individuals to achieve a better result for the organisation.

* Hertzberg, F., 1998, 'One more time: how do you motivate employees?' in Business Classics: Fifteen Key Concepts for Managerial Success, Harvard Business Review, Boston.

The Company

Change Actions commenced in August 2001. While operating predominantly in New South Wales, it has also provided services in Victoria, ACT and Queensland.
Change Actions became incorporated in April 2006, and is now the trading name of
Changes We Make Together Pty Ltd
ACN 119 181 869

Change Actions Privacy Policy

Change Actions Copyright © 2002-2023
Site Design: Revised by Change Actions, from an original design by
KW DesignWorks, Copyright © 2002